Saturday, October 22, 2011

Song Review: "Daredevil"

Song Review: "Daredevil" by About Time & Asi Didi

Daredevil, in short, was a song of highs and lows.

This short track had a cool vibe to it with the title really fitting the beat.  Plucked strings and strong rhythm move the beat along as artists About Time and Asi Didi lay down a bit of heat on the verses, with a short hook interluding.  Not sure if I'd call it a hook, really more of an interlude between a couple verses.  The two trade sets of bars in both verses, giving you a good taste of what both have to offer.

Honestly, the first artist (Asi Didi) is a bit of a turn-off here, an acquired taste, if you will.  This is mostly due to mixing, I believe.  The voice is a bit loud, possible near red-lining, and some of the backups are off, which really distracts.  I always advise that when mixing a track, if something doesn't enhance your track, it's hurting your track -- take it out!  You don't hear that sort of thing in a polished radio track, and it's not ok at the underground level either.  Line up your backups, or remove them.

The second artist (About Time) comes in and sounds like he has a much more polished mix, and, frankly, a more polished flow as well.  He seems much more comfortable behind the microphone and has a solid verse.  I feel like I could pay more attention to his verse than Asi's because there weren't any distractions (loudness, dueling voices, etc).  A good mix, good delivery, good verse.  Job well done.

This song sounds like it was recorded in two different studios -- that's the way of the web nowadays.  I'd recommend checking the track out to hear About Time's work; Asi needs to scrub the mix a bit before it can really be acknowledged, but otherwise, this sounds like a light, fun track with a nice beat to match.

But, as always, my words are just that -- words.  You'll have to listen to really form an opinion, so check out the song below:

N. Talekt

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